Summer Workshop Registration and Admission

Admission to Workshops

Summer classes are intended to give beginning and intermediate woodworkers an opportunity to participate in an intensive, high-quality educational experience of relatively short duration.

For the first time in many years, our two Summer classes will be offered at credited courses under the section ID’s WOD-70A, and WOD-70B. The tools and techniques class can be used to satisfy the prerequisite when applying to our nine month program.

Workshops run from 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., with the privilege of evening hours at the discretion of the instructors. Classes take place in the Fine Woodworking shop at 440 Alger Street, Fort Bragg. The College provides each student with a workbench, access to machine and power tools, and wood for exercises. Materials used in projects are purchased by the student.

All students must provide a complete set of hand tools adequate for the work to be undertaken; no hand tools are available at the shop. Applicants to the Techniques classes should also be familiar with the operation and use of the following machine tools: table saw, joiner, planer, drill press, and router. Due to the intensive nature of the workshops, there is little time available to instruct students in the basic use of machine tools. If you apply for a place in the workshop, please be prepared to abide by these requirements, which are necessary for your safety.

Registration for Workshops

Registration for Summer workshops will open mid to late April, 2020 for priority registration and open registration.

Mendocino College will publish their Summer offerings in March and can be found at  Go to the Coast Center section to find the woodworking classes. Official registration information can be found at

If you are plan to take WOD-70B(Small Project), it is required that you have first completed WOD-70A(Tools and Techniques). Many of you will have probably taken this with us while we were with College of the Redwoods. You will need to fill out a prerequisite challenge form Prerequisite Challenge Form, and provide some proof that you took the class. (We can vouch for you if you do not have any receipt left).

Registration for Summer classes are handled on a first come, first served basis. You may register via the admissions website above,  or in person at the coast center here in Fort Bragg, CA at 1211 Del Mar Dr, Fort Bragg, CA 95437. Registrations will not be accepted at the woodworking facility. If you have any questions as to how to register, you may call the Coast Center at 707-961-2200. They should be able to help you work though it.

Both WOD70A and WOD70B are 3 units each. The cost for these classes can be found on the Mendocino College website here:

In addition to course fees, an additional materials fee may be charged for each course, to cover costs of exercise materials(poplar, maple, etc), glue, shellac, and other consumables.

Specifically for the Tools and Techniques Course, you will also be required to purchase 2 Hock plane irons totaling $100, if you do not bring them yourself.

For the Small Projects class you will be expected to purchase your own project materials(wood, hardware and finish).

For the Carving class, the cost is determined by the Community Extension Office and can be found here:

The bench spaces are filled as applications are received. Successful applicants will be notified by email once their registration is completed.  If we do not have a minimum number of students in attendance on the first day of class, the course will be canceled (as required by the college administration). While there is no way to foresee complications that might require you to withdraw from the class, please do not apply for the course unless you definitely plan to attend. If you must cancel, please inform us as soon as possible. The demand for some classes has historically exceeded capacity..

If, you have any further questions, please call or email:

The Krenov School
440 Alger Street
Fort Bragg, CA 95437



440 Alger Street
Fort Bragg, CA 95437
Phone: (707) 964-7056